NICCLLC Culinary Center
Our culinary center is located in Orlando, Florida, just 10 minutes away from the Orlando Airport and Orange County Convention Center. This culinary center allows us to turn our ideas into creative concepts and recipes in an industrial kitchen. Within our test kitchen, we are able to prepare menu offerings as they would be served in a restaurant in order to give our clients a first-hand look and taste of our creations. Our workhorse culinary center is the perfect environment to present both culinary and strategic presentations to our clients.
NICCLLC’s test kitchen is specifically set up to allow us to rotate or change out different pieces of restaurant equipment in order to align with your brand’s equipment platform for our showings. The test kitchen at our headquarters is designed as a commercial restaurant kitchen allowing us to replicate a proper live restaurant line. NICCLLC’s culinary center is a full-service test kitchen with professional restaurant equipment, including:
Kitchen Area:

Office Area:

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